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About Us

Team Incendo

We are a Year 2 Raffles Girls' School team competing in the F1 in Schools finals.

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Blaze the Trail

Our motto, “blaze the trail”, means to walk on untrodden ground, not necessarily meaning that we will be the most original, but that we will step outside our own comfort zones and push our own limits. In doing so, we will illuminate our success for ourselves. We make our own path and we strive for our own success.

About Us: Text

Our Values


We believe that anything is possible if we put in the effort. By putting our strengths together, we aim to give everything we have to create the best final product possible.


To never give up lose sight of our goals. We will jump over each and every hurdle together as a team.


How we project our team is plays a key role in how our reputation is built. We aim to hold ourselves to a high standard, and in doing so maintain a good reputation as a team representing our school. Team Identity provides us with a cause to support and fight for. Scroll down to find out more.

About Us: CV

About the Team

Who We Are

Kah Shuen


As the team leader, Kah Shuen oversees the enterprise and engineering aspects and helps us stay on task. You will find her constantly helping out, be it the engineers or lending a hand in the enterprise aspect.

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Design Engineer

As the design engineer, Clara works together with Tracy, the second design engineer, to design a suitable car for the race! She uses her aerodynamics knowledge to ensure our car moves quickly.



Design Engineer

As our design engineer, Tracy works together with Clara, she helps to design the car and helps to make sure that our car's design fits the competition guidelines.



Manufacturing Engineer

As our Manufacturing Engineer, Nicole helps to assemble and manufacture our car. From milling the car to spray painting it, Nicole helps to bring the car to life!



Graphic Designer 

As our graphic designer, Phoebe helps to manage the visual aspects of the team. She helps with making our portfolio, team identity and manages our online post.



Marketing Lead

As our Marketing lead, Rachel helps us reach out and contact possible sponsors so that we are able to obtain the necessary resources. She also helps with our online advertising.

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About Us: Team Members
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